Sienna Chopra

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Sienna Chopra [1] is an international mountaineer who achieved a remarkable feat at a young age. Born in Ludhiana, she became the youngest person to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru within one week, setting a world record.

Early Life and Background

The record for playing the maximum number of tennis rally strokes was set by Sienna Chopra [2](born on July 19, 2016) of village Gorgarh, Karnal, Haryana. She played 168 tennis rally strokes in 10 minutes and 50 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 11 months and 30 days, as confirmed on July 19, 2022.

Mountaineering Achievement

At the age of six, Sienna Chopra[3] scaled the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. This accomplishment itself was extraordinary, but Sienna did not stop there. Within the same week, she went on to climb Mount Meru, another challenging peak in Tanzania and made the record to complete it in 39 hours. By conquering Mount Meru, Sienna established herself as the youngest person to achieve this feat. Notably, she unfurled the Indian tricolour at the top of Mount Meru, symbolizing her pride and representing her country.


Sienna Chopra's [4] mountaineering achievements have garnered attention and recognition worldwide. She has been applauded for her determination, courage, and extraordinary physical and mental strength at such a young age. Sienna's accomplishment serves as an inspiration to young girls and women, demonstrating that age is not a barrier to achieving great heights.

Social media presence

Sienna Chopra can be found on various social media platforms, where she shares her mountaineering journey and inspires others with her story. Her official social media accounts include:

   • Instagram: [1]
   • Facebook: [2]
   • YouTube: [3]
   • Twitter :[4]
