The Universe Hopes

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The Universe Hopes is a renowned consultancy and personal guidance service founded on the principles of Astrology, Vastu Shastra, Tarot reading, Numerology, and various manifestation techniques including love spells and the Law of Attraction. With over a decade of insightful experience, the organization has garnered widespread acclaim, boasting over 900,000 satisfied clients across the globe. Rooted in Vedic astrology, The Universe Hopes offers a holistic approach to personal and spiritual well-being, attracting individuals seeking clarity, peace, and direction in life.


Founded: The exact founding date is not specified, but the organization has been in operation for over 13 years. Founder: The information about the founder is not publicly disclosed, emphasizing the collective effort and the anonymity of the spiritual guides working under the banner of The Universe Hopes.

Headquarters: The Universe Hopes operates predominantly online, offering consultations through digital platforms, making their services accessible worldwide.

Services: Astrology readings, Vastu consultations, Tarot card readings, Numerology, Manifestation guidance, Love spells, and teachings on the Law of Attraction.

Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: the_universe_hopes


The Universe Hopes is dedicated to empowering individuals by providing them with the tools and knowledge to find peace, purpose, and direction in their lives. By integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary spiritual practices, the organization aims to foster personal growth, self-awareness, and a harmonious balance between the individual's internal and external worlds.


Astrology Leveraging the ancient science of Vedic astrology, The Universe Hopes offers detailed horoscope readings, enabling clients to gain insights into their personal, professional, and spiritual paths. Vastu Shastra The organization provides Vastu consultations to help individuals align their living and working spaces with the natural energies of the universe, promoting prosperity, well-being, and positive vibes. Numerology Numerology services are tailored to uncover the vibrational patterns associated with one's birth date and name, offering a unique perspective on life's challenges and opportunities. Manifestation and Love Spells Guidance on manifestation techniques and love spells is offered for those looking to attract specific outcomes in their lives, based on the principles of the Law of Attraction. Education and Workshops The Universe Hopes also conducts workshops and provides educational content on its digital platforms, aiming to teach individuals about the foundational concepts of its services and how to apply them for personal growth.


With a vast clientele that spans across the globe, The Universe Hopes prides itself on the transformative impact it has made in the lives of its clients. The organization's approach to combining traditional practices with modern-day relevance has been key to its success and popularity.

Contact and Online Presence

The Universe Hopes maintains a significant online presence, primarily through its Instagram platform and via email communication. Through these channels, the organization offers insights, daily inspirations, and direct consultations to its global audience. For more information, services, or personal consultations, The Universe Hopes can be reached through their official contact points.